Welcome to the Species at Risk database
The database provides access to data and information on species with a national or international published IUCN Red Listed assessment and/or Birds of Conservation Concern (BoCC),
and on Scottish Priority Marine Features. As national IUCN assessments are carried out at GB level, information includes whether species have been recorded, or are within their natural range,
in Scotland.
More information on natural range is available on NatureScot website (opens in new tab).
If you have any queries or require any assistance, please contact SpeciesAtRisk@nature.scot. We also welcome feedback on your experience or suggestions for improving the data.
IUCN Red List categories
- EX Extinct
- EW Extinct in the Wild
- RE Regionally Extinct
- CR(PE) Critically Endangered (Provisionally Extinct)
- CR Critically Endangered
- EN Endangered
- VU Vulnerable
- NT Near Threatened
- LC Least Concern
- DD Data Deficient
- NE Not Evaluated
- NA Not Assessed